Saturday, May 15, 2010


Praise the Lord for a blessed school year! We had such a fun school year. We have absolutely LOVED homeschool. It's been such a treat to watch our children grow and develop at home, to witness their love for Christ and for one another as siblings. I'm thankful for the opportunity to not only be their mom, but to be their "Teacher Mommy", as they call me during school. :)

I'm thankful for just how much I have personally learned. I've learned to let go more.... house chores, to-dos, projects.... which is a big deal for me. :) Although not perfectly, I've learned to balance better & realize that God covers all things, even the smallest of details. I've learned that children are not the interruption, but the purpose of who I am called to be. I still fall short, often, but I'm thankful for the daily opportunities to put this knowledge into practice!

I'm thankful for my children, for just how much they teach me each day. Children have an amazing way of teaching us about God's grace. Their pure, simple faith is like no other. Their unconditional love, the grace they show by quickly forgiving mommy when she loses patience, their caring for other people and a genuine desire to witness to others remind me of who Christ is... I'm also thankful to my husband for not only playing the role of the "science guy", but also for working so hard- so that I can be home to instruct and play with our kiddos.

Most of all, I'm thankful to my Father in Heaven, for loving me, to see me as his vessel, to find worth & beauty in me, to entrust me with 3 (and one more on the way) of His precious children, to bless us with our daily bread, for His Word, to give us the freedom to read & study His Word, for His spirit that guides us each day, for Jesus, and for the free gift of Salvation. Thank you Lord. I love you with all my mind, heart, soul, and strength.


Tina Hollenbeck said...

Hi! I wanted to let you know I found you through the MFW Blog Roll - I love getting to know other MFW moms. :^) I hope you can stop by my place, too:

Kate @ Bliss and That said...

I also found you from the MFW blogroll! :) What a gorgeous family you have! I loved looking at some of your posts, as we're starting out with our first year of homeschooling soon with MFW-K and Pre-K!
Blessings, Kate