Sunday, October 25, 2009

Weekly Highlights: Week 15

Reading & Writing:

Ezra loves to color the pictures in the Bible Reader.

Bible: We are fully enjoying all that we get to do while studying Genesis- story of Creation, Adam & Eve, Cain & Abel, etc..

Ezra's Bible Notebook illustration of the story, "A Sad Day".

MFW also instructs the parent to keep her own Bible Notebook & participate in the lesson with the student. Here is my version. By the time Ezra was done, I was out of time & didn't get to put colors in.

Cain & Abel illustration by Ezra. I love the abstract lines in the drawing of Cain. I thought it was appropriate in depicting his heart condition.

My rendition. We used various examples of illustrations to project images on our notebooks.

Math: Measuring

Homemade balance scale:

Special Activity: Baking a birthday cake for Halmuni.

1 comment:

Lainie said...

What an awesome week-- and what wonderful artist you both are!

I love your scale and the cake (looks yummy). Thank you sharing your week.

Isn't first grade sweet?

I hope you are well...