Saturday, September 19, 2009

Weekly Highlights: Week 2- Explore Day

I love that our curriculum calls for one day a week dedicated to exploring outdoors! I believe this hands-on approach is the best & most fun way of learning about God's nature. For each science unit, we are given several different experiement ideas to complete on our "Explore Day".

Our first unit was entitled "Close to the Ground". We studied worms, slugs & snails, mushroom, moles, and ants. Our first experiment involved going on a nature walk & finding an ant hill, to observe ants' activities & learn about their colony. We also built an earthworm home to bring inside, to observe closely & learn about their behavior, while feeding & taking care of them. Thankfully, our resident science guy (daddy) was availalbe to take over the 'digging for worms' part. We also grew mycelium, a fancy word for mold. Yes, we grew mold on purpose this time. :) We did a few more other experiements, but here are ones that I captured with photos.

Excited to go on our first Explore Day adventure:

One of the trails lead us to this pretty dock:

Science: Worm Habitat

1 comment:

happygirl said...

so cute !!
Sunny day in Oregon.
You guys seems like to live in Heaven =)