Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Quotes of the day:

"Disneyland is a junk yard compared to Heaven!" (by my 9 year old during Bible discussion) Amen sister!

Then there was this one.

"I bet no teacher has to deal with a naked 4 year-old running around with a bloody nose on the 1st day of school."

Yes, I actually said this out loud today. :(

Thankfully, my older kids bursted into laughter hearing what I had just said. I'm sure my heart wasn't in the right place when I said it, so I'm glad they got me to laugh, to keep calm and chillax.

(Thank you Jesus for the innocent hearts of children, their unconditional love for one another, their ability to forgive their flawed parent, their sweet unknowing and wise ways in diffusing mom's bad attitude, esp. with their contagious  laughter.)

I just love being a Mom.

Many reasons why, but the one I was reminded of today was that...

My children make me a better person.

Definitely a work in progress!

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