Friday, November 13, 2009

Special Family News

In my previous post, I mentioned "feeling nauseous & low on energy"....

Well, I've also been craving spicy food & ice cream (which actually isn't all that unusual for me)....

Putting these clues together, you've probably already figured it out.

YES! We're prego, preggers... pregnant again. Woo hoo!

Yes, Prego with #4. "It's in there" alright. BTW- I just found out "Prego" literally means "I pray" in Italian. Very appropriate I must say. :)

We've been waiting to share this news until we had our 1st prenatal appointment. The baby is doing great. We're in our 12th week currently. It is the size of a lime & weighs about 1/2 ounce. Just over 2 inches, head to bottom.
I'm a little curious about how having a fourth child will affect homeschooling next year. We will be done with this school year before the baby is born, which is a relief, but I'm not too certain how to go about handling it all. I guess I'll keep praying! "Prego!" In the meantime, any advice, encouragements & experiences you want to share would be greatly appreciated!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Thanks for sharing your good new! I am new to your blog however I have enjoyed it thoroughly, as we too, use MFW and live in Oregon. Thank you for your great posts regarding homeschooling and life...Thanks for sharing! ~Connie in Tualatin

Alicen said...

Hello neighbor!
Thanks for stopping in & saying hello. What grade level/s do you have at home?

Have a fun rest of the week!
Blessings, Alicen