Saturday, October 10, 2009

Weekly Highlights: Week 13- Ketchup Week

This was our "ketchup" week. We had some catching up to do on math & science, so we took a little break from our regular routine. We also took advantage of the beautiful sunshine and got to play outdoors a lot each day. We had a few special happenings as well- grandma's birthday visit, family portraits, and a special field trip (see below).

We registered to attend Oregon Symnphony's Kinderconzerts, a 4 part series. This week was the String Family. The concert was very well done!! Geared toward K~2nd graders, the musical concepts were introduced in an easy & fun way. The String Quintet played examples of legato & staccato using various well-known classical pieces (selected short movements). The narrarator did a great job keeping the children engaged & managing noise level. It was held at a local school, so there were other (chatty but entertained) young audience members in attendance. We arrived earlier though & got to see/ touch the instruments close up and talk to the instrumentalists. It was a wonderful experience, one that warms my heart especially since our family loves classical music.

Here is the cellist who was very child-friendly & took time in explaining cello parts to the kiddos. Although I've played the violin throughout my school years, I have to say cello has always been my favorite string instrument. I'd suggest Y0-Yo Ma to those who want to hear quality cello sound.

Children getting to feel the vibration of the instrument while he bowed the strings.

Bassist also gave the kiddos a show & tell. Here he is answering Ezra's question about the bridge.
(Notice the bassist's tie.)

Quintet making beautiful music. (Ahhhh.... what fun job it would be to play in the symphony.)

Children enjoying the mini-concert.

In summary, we had a relaxing & fun week, with just a few things to check off on our school curriculum list. It was a nice change of pace to just play, enjoy ballet, soccer, and lots of goofing around (as you can see below). I can tell we'll be enjoying more "Ketchup Weeks" in the future!


Suzanne said...

Hi Alice
I thought I had this listed on my reader, but I guess not since I've missed all these great posts!!! Love all the concert pics - thanks for posting those. That was a wonderful event. Olivia will be going back to ballet shortly - when soccer is over. love you!

Lainie said...

Love, love, love the Ketchup thing!!! Can I steal that????

Looks like you had a rich week. I hope things are going good for you guys. It sure looks like you're having fun :)

Good job Mom!

Alicen said...

Steal away Lainie! I know I've stole your great ideas many of times. Thanks for the encouragement. You rock! Love you and you too Suz!!