Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Explore Day: Champoeg Park

We love Explore Day! Some of our good homeschool friends joined us for a fun day out at Champoeg State Park. We were studying trees and rivers this week. So, it was a great spot to go and utilize all our senses in learning about God's Creation!

Teacher mommy reading a classic book, "A Tree is Nice":

My favorite part of the day: We went on a nature walk along the river. The children sat on this quiet bench & belted out a few hymns we learned in school (This is My Father's World, for the Beauty of the Earth, How Great is Thou Art). It was so fun to take our 'classroom' outside, not to mention what a blessing it was to be able to sing about our God in the midst of our learning!

Photos taken by Suzanne, mother of our 3 little friends.

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